Block number 2 of the current BOM is done! Or really just done for now. I plan to add beads to it when the entire quilt is assembled. It feels good to be up-to-date with it. I have already started the wild rose and lilac block for this month. I rarely use fusible applique, but on this one I am trying it on the lilac flowers. I had to go to the quilt shop yesterday as my stash was seriously without purple fabrics.
We have been busy this week, packing the van for John's trip to Tacoma. He plans to leave on Saturday. I will be here in Florida until May 30th, when I head to New York for 3 weeks and Atlanta for 1 week. Having our families 3000 miles apart sometimes makes for an awkward summer. We each have a granddaughter graduating in June. I am a very uncomfortable flyer and tend to avoid it as much as possible. But who knows..... I may decide to fly to Seattle from Atlanta, we will have to see. Or head back to Florida and enjoy lots of extra sewing time! I am still working on mastering EQ7 and using my new Handi Quilter machine.
Current work is all hand applique, Esther's BOM and a small mystery quilt from EQ. Sewing room needs some attention, there are fabrics all over it while I decide on which ones to use. I really need to make some time to organize it again.
That's it for this week. Thanks for reading and have a great week!
BOM 2020: 'Hope' is Launched
5 years ago